COVID-19 antigen test by saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

The SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid test GENEDIA W COVID-19 Ag 643G-S is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of COVID-19 specific antigens by saliva sample. This test is for professional in vitro use and diagnosis. It is intended to be an aid for the early detection of COVID-19 infection in patients that seem to be infected.

Its use is intended for the qualitative detection of the SARS-CoV-2 antigen from a sample, taken from saliva or with a nasopharyngeal exudate swab (the kit includes the 2 accessories).  Delivers fast results, in 15 minutes, with high levels of sensitivity and specificity.

Some scientific research suggests that the collection of the saliva sample is more effective in the Omicron variant. Another recent study has concluded that, in the three days before the onset of symptoms and the two days after, saliva samples contained about three times as much virus as nasal samples and were 12 times more likely to obtain a positive PCR.

Test de antígenos COVID-19 por saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

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COVID-19 antigen test by saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

Test de antígenos COVID-19 por saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

The SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid test GENEDIA W COVID-19 Ag 643G-S is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of COVID-19 specific antigens by saliva sample. This test is for professional in vitro use and diagnosis. It is intended to be an aid for the early detection of COVID-19 infection in patients that seem to be infected.

Its use is intended for the qualitative detection of the SARS-CoV-2 antigen from a sample, taken from saliva or with a nasopharyngeal exudate swab (the kit includes the 2 accessories).  Delivers fast results, in 15 minutes, with high levels of sensitivity and specificity.

Some scientific research suggests that the collection of the saliva sample is more effective in the Omicron variant. Another recent study has concluded that, in the three days before the onset of symptoms and the two days after, saliva samples contained about three times as much virus as nasal samples and were 12 times more likely to obtain a positive PCR.

Test de antígenos COVID-19 por saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

The SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid test GENEDIA W COVID-19 Ag 643K is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of COVID-19 specific antigens by saliva sample. This test is for professional in vitro use and diagnosis. It is intended to be an aid for the early detection of COVID-19 infection in patients suspected of being infected. Its use is intended for the qualitative detection of the SARS-CoV-2 antigen from a saliva sample.  Delivers fast results, in 15 minutes, with high levels of sensitivity and specificity.

The SARS-CoV-2 GENEDIA W COVID-19 Ag saliva 643G-S antigen rapid test is a single-use in vitro diagnostic test. It is a qualitative immunoassay to detect the antigen in SARS-CoV-2 in samples taken by saliva and/or a nasopharyngeal exudate swab.

This immunoassay has been designed to be used by professional laboratory personnel and in health care centers, in order to detect patients infected with COVID-19.

It is designed for the qualitative detection of the SARS-CoV-2 antigen from a sample, taken by saliva and/or nasopharyngeal exudate. Delivers very fast results, in an interval of 15 minutes.

Test de antígenos COVID-19 por saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

The GENEDIA W COVID-19 Ag NASAL 643G-S immunoassay  is a fast, simple and reliable solution for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigen without requiring laboratory instruments and at a very efficient cost.

Use method

Test de antígenos COVID-19 por saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

Test de antígenos COVID-19 por saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

Components of the Antigen Test Kit GENEDIA W COVID-19 Ag 643G-S – Pack 20

Test de antígenos COVID-19 por saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

Test de antígenos COVID-19 por saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20

Test de antígenos COVID-19 por saliva GENEDIA W 643G-S -Pack 20